Are you an IT dealer ot system integrator. Do you own a Laptop showroom. Then definetelyn you must be getting customers who wants to get their Laptop repairs. We do not doubt your ability to repair the laptop. But you know that chip level repairs of laptop requires a well equipped lapboratory with bga machine, high end oscilloscope and other tools and equipments. Also it requires a very skilled and knowledgeble manpower to understake chip level repairs. Due to this reasons you are dependent upon some local unorganised vendor go get your Laptop repaired, where in you face problems like :
High repair cost
Uneven repair charges
No warranty or little warranty on repairs
Damage the laptop even more than the original condition
Poor repair quality resulting in customer dissatisfaction
So now no need to depend upon these unrelaibel service centers. Fonecare offers aweson Laptop repair services to the IT dealers and system integrators. Fonecare has the biggest multi brand Laptop repair factory in India and specialises in repairs of all brands of Laptops.
Why repair your Laptops at Fonecare
Upto 6 Months Warranty on Repairs
Standardised Repair cost
Specialise in repairs of Apple Macbook
Free Pickup Drop Facility
Ethical Business practices (We do not remove spares from your laptop if estimate not approved like local repairers)
Enough spares inventory and so Fast Repairs
Highly skilled, trained and knowledgable repair technicians.
Efficient and transperent repair process